Sunday 17 December 2017


During the Pre-production I think I personally could've made a little more effort and contributed to the planning of shot lists and storyboards. I an extremely happy with the outcome of chopping and changing ideas to adapt to the obstacles that we faced such as being unable to film in a certain location because of health and safety risks but being able to film in another appropriate location and adapting the narrative to fit in with some of the things that kept being shot in the background. I would like to of contributed more to editing as it's not something I am comfortable with but is something I want to learn and become stronger at. I really liked the thought of being able to create something in a group that was completely down to our creative freedom and meant that we could learn different skills from each other as a team and share different ideas. It was frustrating that there were a lot of things that meant filming got postponed but we successfully completed filming and editing within the time frame. The feature I liked most in our production was the fight scene which was used completely with silhouettes on the wall using just a soft box lighting and a white wall so simple yet so effective and worked so so well for our narrative.

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